Zeeshan Hayat & Salma Karina Hayat: A Shared Commitment to Social Good

The Hayats’ journey is fueled by a shared passion for social good, ignited by the injustices they witnessed in their youth.

Zeeshan Hayat and Salma Karina Hayat

In the vibrant landscape of Guatemala, Salma Karina Hayat’s heart opened wide to the plight of the impoverished, nurturing within her a profound dedication to effecting positive change. From her earliest years, she immersed herself in acts of compassion, joining her father in the noble endeavor of educating the illiterate and extending warmth to underprivileged children through shared meals, sowing the seeds of her enduring commitment to social betterment. Remarkably, by the tender age of 10, she actively assessed her community’s needs for adult literacy programs that her school could extend, laying the cornerstone for her unwavering commitment to social change.

On the other hand, Zeeshan Hayat’s philanthropic journey was ignited by the radiant wisdom of his grandfather, a man who believed faith demanded action, which kindled a fervent passion for service deeply rooted in his own faith. Growing up, he bore witness to the stark disparities that plagued his community—families struggling to put food on the table, neighbors ostracized for their beliefs—instilling within him a deep-seated resolve to alleviate the burdens of others.